Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 3(1) blogger.com Ranking of factors influencing customer satisfaction in telecommunications industry employing AHP Farzad Firouzi Jahantigh¹*, Masoumeh Neshat ² ¹ Assistant professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, zahedan, Iran The objective of this study is to investigate the importance, determinants, and consequences of customer satisfaction in the mobile telecom industry in Bahrain. Specifically, the study seeks answers to six crucial questions which have been extracted from the literature and a number of satisfaction conceptual and analytical models, as outlined That’s the question many college students ask themselves (and Google), and we can understand them. Even when a student is a great essay writer, they might still not have enough Literature Review On Customer Satisfaction In Telecom Industry time to complete all the writing assignments on time or do this well enough, especially when the exams are near
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A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Download Full Literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector Package. Translate PDF. Applied mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology 3 1 www. firouzi eng. com Abstract Competition in value creation, endeavors made to grasp consistent competitive advantage as well as strategic superiority over the competitors, all have brought about much importance for having concern for customer and their satisfaction.
The research is a field study of applied type, and its population includes all the technical experts of maintenance departments of province capitals in Iran.
The required data was also gathered. To weight and rank the factors, the Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP method and TOPSIS technique are applied. Results show that product functional factor alongside its conformity to the technical specifications which encompasses two sub-criteria of meeting target standards structural attributes, electronic and mechanical properties, Environmental requirements, and product dimensionsas well as consumption appropriateness rank first in catching customer satisfaction in this industry.
Keywords: Ranking, Factors influencing customer satisfaction, telecommunications industry, Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP 1.
Introduction Those organizations which put their efforts in increasing products and services quality, customer satisfaction and its stability accompanying those which are capable of exploiting their information to boost customer satisfaction and try to pave the organization way to move from product-orientation toward customer-orientation [1]. In order to improve customer-orientation, many organizations have defined it as a primary performance indicator [2]. The more an organization is active in proposing value to its customers, the more their customers satisfaction level will be and the more it will be probable that this turns to a competitive opportunity for them.
Even though that the term is a widely-used term in business environment, but doubtlessly development of satisfaction in customers, even making them delighted by quality, requires the producer to know customers needs and transfer them to the position in which products and services are produced [4].
In this research the problem is investigated in telecommunications industry. This is a high-tech industry, known as one of the key science consuming activities. Therefore it is an inevitable necessity to have a total industrial policy to expand and strengthen this industry. The telecommunication technology is dependent to many universal standards and protocols. These standards are of consistently varying nature and led by the avant-garde, super powerful companies of the world.
This doubles the technological dependency to the large companies. These specifications are developed according to universal standards [6]. Firouzi et al Environmental requirements, product dimensions, packing, and the product conformity in regard to technical specifications. For this purpose, this study aims at: 1. Identification of the criteria influencing customer satisfaction 2. Proposing an optimal and appropriate method to rank the identified indices 3.
Ranking important product attributes and comparing their influence on customer satisfaction vis-à-vis such indices as on time delivery, price, etc. Among customers of telecommunication equipment industry. Literature review 2. Jamal and Nasser define customer satisfaction as a feeling or attitude about the product or service taken by the customer after use.
For example, if customers become satisfied by some particular service, they most probably repeat their shop. Furthermore, satisfied customers probably talk to others about their experiences and consequently, they get engaged with word of mouth marketing verbal-oral. On the contrary, unsatisfied customers probably break their contact with the company and get engaged with negative word of mouth marketing.
Behaviors like repeat shopping and word of mouth marketing have an influence on survival of a company, as well as profitability [9]. Findings implicate literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector customer satisfaction is the fundamental basis for perceived quality.
Some findings also demonstrate the importance of biding level evaluation in perceived relationships quality. Commitment is given a particular consideration as well [10]. Both application and product appearance have direct impact on satisfaction and dependency. Product dependency is itself a decisive factor between aforementioned factors [11], literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector.
The most important methods to keep customers: 1, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector. Customer-oriented culture creation 2. Employee empowerment 3. Performance evaluation 4. Highlight the importance of services for customers 6. Asking customers what they want from the company and what the company can do for them. Lost customer cost identification He urges that a very clever way of having satisfied customers is to take corrective action before any problem emerges.
using AHP Proposing of a model to weight and rank the effective factors on customer satisfaction in Firouzian et al[18] automobile industry, exploiting AHP Choosing the best combination of sub-component alternatives to increase customer Akgunduz et al[19] satisfaction and decrease product cost, using ILP model; In this research AHP is used to obtain objective function coefficients.
A review on the literature reveals that identification and ranking of customers needs have been mostly investigated in industries other than telecommunication equipment. Table 1. Because this case gathering more information is more probable.
This model in fact uses two main elements to judge quality: 1. Evaluation element or the effective element of company real services performance 2. Firouzi et al These literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector elements are asked about for all the company services and are used to obtain the overall customer judgment. Instead of a double scale, a single scale is used in this model. Using this scale, the importance and quality of the services is literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector. In other words, every attribute is reviewed and perceived in a different way [22].
Given the importance of product attributes in telecommunications industry and considering the fact that the SERIMPERE model is based on the assumption that some of the attributes are more important than others, to identify and rank the effective factors on customer satisfaction the SERIMPERE model is applied [22]. Research Method Since this research is an effort to identify and prioritize the most important factors influencing customer satisfaction in form of a case study in telecommunication equipment industry, and given that the principles and techniques which are obtained from this research are applied for real and practical problems, therefore this study is a field study of the applicable type.
Population The number of customers in telecommunication equipment industry includes all the telecommunications authority centers in province capitals. Not having access to all the above centers, sampling from finite population method is applied. For this purpose, the questionnaire was distributed among 5 telecommunications authority centers. The results obtained from questionnaire analysis demonstrated that the population maximum standard deviation is equal to 0.
Hence, 29 complete questionnaires were considered as the basis for analysis. n 1. Information collection method In this research, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector, the information was collected in three stages. First, to explore the effective criteria and indices on customer satisfaction, interviews were held with proficient managers and experts of telecommunication equipment, literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector.
Secondly, to exert the pair wise comparison between criteria themselves as well as their associated indices, a questionnaire was offered to the proficient managers and experts of the industry.
In the third stage, to collect the ideas of customers for ranking the criteria, the questionnaire was used. In designing the questionnaire, the required delicacy is paid, and to evaluate the ideas the Likert scale is employed. Since the results are more precise and valid when the Likert scale is applied, many of the field studies use this scale.
The questionnaire is constituted by 13 questions each having 5 options Very literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector, High, Moderate, Low, Very low. To evaluate the accuracy of information, a preliminary questionnaire was formed. Subsequently, the questionnaire was handed to some of the experts of the industry.
It was tried to poll as much ideas of the experts as possible and then asking for final opinions, the corrective action was taken. Afterwards, to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire, a pre-test was done. Table 3. Data Analysis Analysis of the gathered data is performed using Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP to weight the criteria, and TOPSIS to rank them. Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP is one of the multiple criteria decision making methods which are used to decide and choose one out of a number of alternatives regarding the criteria determined by the decision maker [25].
This methodology was invented and presented as the result of Thomas Saati efforts in AHP is one of the best-known and most applied decision making models and a powerful decision making method to determine priorities in cases where there are inconsistent criteria.
AHP reflects the natural behavior and human thinking. Complicated problems are investigated according to their interactions, transformed to simple form and then solved. TOPSIS technique TOPSIS is one of the applied multiple decision making techniques. It is based on determining the alternative which has the least distance from the positive ideal solution and maximum distance literature review on customer satisfaction in telecom sector negative ideal solution.
This method was first proposed by Hang and Yun [27]. The required data for this method are as follows: 1.
Sample Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions You Need to Be Asking
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